As San Francisco started week three of sheltering in place to slow the spread of the Coronavirus, the city seemed to settle into a little bit of a rhythm. People queued up at a safe distance outside supermarkets. More closed businesses boarded up their windows. The debate at city hall continued between Mayor London Breed and the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on what to do about the homeless. In some residential neighborhoods, things seemed very much the same except that there were only people out to walk their dogs. In contrast, areas such as Union Square and the Financial District took on a very eerie, apocalyptic feel. I have been trying to focus on the positive: how people are supporting each other while generally observing social distancing guidelines. And this week I tried to focus my lens on the unique and dynamic beauty of this city where I live despite the profound adverse effects of the COVID-19 epidemic. Still, it’s hard to ignore the hardships evident everywhere.