San Francisco is under lockdown for the 6th week, but my camera is on the go. Spring has sprung! This can be one of the most beautiful times of the year here in SF. But this year there are no tourists. And few cars. It is so quiet and the usual, loud city sounds are intermittent. The vibe is definitely different. People are wary of others walking down the street. Masks are now required in essential businesses that remain open. If feels like we have been in quarantine for a long time already, and we still have a ways to go.
Pretty puffy pink flowers adorn a tree on Bush Street - a sure sign of spring.
This is the new Transbay Terminal bus bridge with no busses on it.
This boarded up bar now has been painted with colorful designs.
People are leaving messages of support on the streets.
This is the bottom of Lombard Street. For years the neighbors along this, “the crookedest street in world” have complained about all the congestion due to its notoriety. This day I counted one car in five minutes.
The late afternoon light on the buildings on Nob Hill.
Construction continues. This used to be a gas station at 9th and Howard Streets.
Another boarded up business decorated by a street artist. This is muralist Max Ehrman (aka E.O.N.75).
Snapdragons and not much else happening at Union Square.
These chairs at Salesforce Park wait for the pandemic to end so people can sit on them again.